Caracter Design

Sprite Design

For a new project I wanted to recreate the “creature collection” experience that many of us are familiar with. For that, I created 3D models in Blender (top) that I then created renders that turned those models into sprite work. Creating fast and easy sprites that had a lot of consistency.

This means that I didn’t have to worry about a lot of the details like anatomy, perspective, and lighting as the render engine handled a lot of that hard work for me. I only had to manage the photography element of making sure the angles and perspectives fit for the project itself.

Low Poly Design

My first step into making my own assets was with low poly characters for my probject Rumble Runtz. With some design help, I ended up with 5 original characters with contrasting colors and silhouettes to show the player how different each character is. This was a fast workflow, but I was happy with how they came out for a project made in only a weekend.